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Anemometer NP-3 is a device with a very solid construction (anodised aluminium) used for measuring wind speed in open areas.

A special device bearing and labyrinth seal enables measurements even at very low wind speeds. The use of specially modified teflons reduces the need to lubricate the device. The use of anodised aluminium and stainless steel makes the transmitter completely resistant to corrosion and weather conditions.


Wind direction indicator

The wind direction indicator is a device of very solid construction (anodised aluminium) used for measuring wind direction in open areas.

The use of high class magnetic field sensor ensures long life of the device and high accuracy of the measurements. The use of anodised aluminium and stainless steel makes the transmitter completely resistant to corrosion and weather conditions.


Thermohygrometer IMM

The IMM hytherograph is a device for measuring air temperature and humidity in a radiation shield.


Far Data Sp. z o.o.


Branch in Wroclaw:
  • Address: ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wroclaw